$10 Donations
Better the facility for future generations
Hi, I am Jeremy Mahaffey, and I own a company called M&M Scrap Metal. We have set a goal of $1,000,000 to help the owners, Van and Keri Tumblin, finish paying off the building and making the renovations needed to make Straight Street a state-of-the-art building. Straight Street is a great place for kids ages 13–19 to hang out on Friday and Saturday nights. Straight Streets’ main purpose is to keep kids out of trouble and off the streets and to help guide them in a better direction. By donating to this facility, we are helping and investing in our future leaders and generations of Laurens County. Van, Keri and everybody who helps them week in and week out do this because they care about our community and want to make a change in our youths’ lives. Let us do our part and help them help the community. Thank you so much for your contribution and investment in the future of Laurens County.